9 Health Benefits of Chocolate

Superfoods don't just come from your supermarket's produce aisle. In fact those chocolate candy bars next to the gummy bears now qualify. Study after study proves that dark chocolate—sweet, rich, and delicious—is good for more than curing a broken heart. The secret behind its powerful punch is cacao, also the source of the sweet's distinct taste. Packed with healthy chemicals like flavonoids and theobromine, this little bean is a disease-killing bullet. The only problem? Cacao on its own is bitter, chalky, nasty stuff. Enter milk, sugar, and butter—good for your taste buds, not always good for your health. Besides adding calories, these can dilute the benefits of cacao. So snack smart: Stick to healthy chocolate with at least 70 percent cacao (or cocoa, which is cacao in its roasted, ground form). As long as the content is that high, says Mary Engler, Ph.D., a professor of physiological nursing at the University of California at San Francisco, you can reap the be...

7 magical tips to stop dry skin

Is also important to mention that even if you don’t have a dry skin naturally it can still become dry when you expose you skin to extreme weather or using the wrong body lotion

Flaky, itchy, dry skin, make fine lines and wrinkles more noticeable and it can be irritating and problematic is just not the prettiest sight anyone would want to see, but is also important to mention that even if you don’t have a dry skin naturally it can still become dry when you are expose you skin to extreme weather or using the wrong body lotion. 

Here are 7 tips that really works for variety of people to keep your skin silky smooth year-round
  • Avoid alcohol it causes dehydration drink plenty of fluids instead. 
  • Try not to scratch or rub your skin.
  •  Avoid irritating or itchy clothing
  • Take a short shower in warm, not hot, water
  • Avoid antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizers 
  • Apply a rich moisturizing cream, lotion or ointment several times a day.
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables


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